Corporate Contributions

Corporate Request Program


The purpose of this page is to describe guidelines used by the management of Range Bank in making decisions regarding contributions and community support.

Program Guidelines

While Range Bank views charitable giving as a responsibility, regrettably we are unable to accept donation requests that are not aligned with our mission and designated support areas.

First consideration for donation requests shall be given to those with established relationships in good standing with the bank. Community support, in the form of donations, sponsorships or advertising may be made to nonprofit organizations providing services benefiting the communities we serve. (An organization is considered nonprofit if it is a group, agency or service whose primary objectives are to improve or enhance the quality of life in sections of the community or to provide targeted welfare or other support.) 

Please note, all donation requests are considered for funding without regard to race, national origin, color, gender, disability, religion, ethnicity, age, marital status or sexual orientation. In addition to the categories listed above, we will consider support of the efforts of Range Bank’s board of directors, employees and customers. Please do not submit requests for:

  • Individual needs
  • Membership organizations, unless the project benefits the entire community
  • Travel for individuals or groups
  • Political causes, candidates, organizations or campaigns
  • Beauty/scholarship pageants

Organizations that are generally eligible for support will not be funded when the purpose is to cover any of the following:

  • Past operations deficits
  • Travel
  • Conferences
  • Undefined operational support
  • Organizations of controversial nature
  • Third party fundraising organizations

Range Bank has been a community bank since its doors first opened for business in June 1887. Over 138 years later, Range Bank continues to invest in our community through employee volunteering, corporate sponsorships and donations that support and enhance the quality of life in our local communities. We believe in supporting our towns, neighbors and charities through employee volunteer involvement, and corporate financial support focused in the following areas:

  • Youth Assistance
  • Education Enhancement
  • Supporting Community Development
  • Investing In Low/Moderate Income Neighborhoods
  • Helping The Elderly
  • Funding The Arts

Additionally, the bank supports and encourages employees to contribute their individual talents for the betterment of the communities in which they live. 

Range Bank’s contribution program is committed to fostering a bank team of employees who are proud and pleased to be a part of the communities we live, serve and work in. The bank strives to be a visible and contributing corporate citizen in our communities.
The bank’s donation committee will review proposals and make funding decisions on a quarterly basis. The committee evaluates how the proposed program reflects the bank’s guiding principles and program emphasis in addition to how well the applicant conveys the information requested.
For support in any amount, please allow 90 days prior to the time funds are needed.  We realize that unexpected situations may occur that require financial support. Applications for these events are accepted throughout the year. The bank maintains a reserve account to respond to such needs; however, funding is limited and varies per year.